: > : From: Mark Litchfield <mark () securatary com>
: > 
: > : As previously stated, I would post an update for Ektron CMS bypassing :
: > the security fix.
: > 
: > : A full step by step with the usual screen shots can be found at - :
: > http://www.securatary.com/vulnerabilities
: > 
: > Uh... you expect people to login to your site with their Facebook or Twitter
: > credentials, to access these advisories?
: Errr no ??  Use the other option ??  And if you don't want to register, don't
: bother !!

Links from /vulnerabilities, directly from advisories off the Research 
page, and even "Follow us on Twitter" all drop back to a login page asking 
for authentication using either Facebook or Twitter.

This is not the behavior of the site as of 48 hours ago.

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