On 2/4/2014 6:36 PM, Mark Litchfield wrote:
> On 2/4/2014 3:13 PM, security curmudgeon wrote:
>> : > This is not the behavior of the site as of 48 hours ago.
>> : Let me check.  Normal registration should also be available ? Infact I
>> : will remove the registration.
>> :
>> : The purpose of this whole registration in the first place was to allow
>> : for future postings I am going to make later this week that would only
>> : be available to registered users.  Not necessarily vulnerabilities, but
>> : useful "stuff" for pentesting.  Also all registered users would be
>> given
>> : a 48 hours head start on any new vulnerabilities that I post in the
>> : future.
>> Which is great, but I strongly recommend you allow a site-specific
>> registration for such purposes. Giving up one of the two dominant social
>> media accounts for it is excessive.

> I should add, I am all for constructive criticism.  But a public forum
> is not really the place.  Feel free to email me directly.

Yes, it is. This is a security forum. Your authentication mechanism is a
major security issue.

The damn thing should get its own CVE.

Think about it and you'll see the point.

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