On Mon, 10 Feb 2003, Steve Wray wrote:

> One word. Ok two;
> Driving Test.
> Do you have a driving license?
> Did you buy it from a shop or did you have to demonstrate
> an acceptable level of competence?
> Who administers it?

Holy Crap.  You've got to be kidding.  What an insane analogy.

First, the typical driver's license proves next to nothing about the
person who obtains it.  The test has very little to do with day-to-day
safe driving.  Go to any high school parking lot in the USA and watch
legally licensed drivers perform hair raising maneovers at 3:30pm any
school day to verify this.  So, NO, you don't have to demonstrate
an acceptable level of confidence.

Second, the testing is administered by people without wisdom.  I refuse to
let my competence at anything be judged by some mean-spirited weenie like
a driver's license bureau person ever again.

Third, I got my driver's license 2 states, 7 cars and 24 years ago.  Do you
imagine that any skills demonstrated by the person I used to be have any
bearing on how I drive today?

In the USA, driver's licenses don't serve their nominal purpose very well.
They're used more as an internal passport and a method of control, rather
than a way to regulate who gets to drive and who doesn't.

All that some state- or nationally-certified "internet license" would do
is put in place extremely arbitrary control over who gets to run a server.
Security would not increase one jot or tittle.

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