> > One word. Ok two;
> > Driving Test.
> >
> > Do you have a driving license?
> > Did you buy it from a shop or did you have to demonstrate
> > an acceptable level of competence?
> >
> > Who administers it?
> Holy Crap.  You've got to be kidding.  What an insane analogy.

Totally, to most of your comments.

But it makes the public feel a whole lot better about it.
Think about that.

What else are we going to do? How on earth do you approach it?
Some bureaucrat will eventually realise that an internet license
is exactly the thing we need. Its only a matter of time;

What do we have now? We have malicious people taking advantage
of ignorant people and visiting unpleasentness on ordinary
people... and its soooooo easy. Making it harder won't help,
and making it impossible will be *really* uncomfortable.
Why not make people feel better about it? Give people
a feeling of involvement and that they actually are being
checked up on and things could improve.

Having an internet test would *definitely* suit me
better than compulsory 'push' patching by vendors...

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