On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 01:54:49PM -0400, JT said:
> order to support your argument. How many people have a BEST BUY near them??!
> No, they'd "order" it the same way they "order" ZA, by clicking some links
> and providing some info. After that, the setup is easier, please show me

Exactly; and if they're in Outer Slobovia, that could take weeks.
Whereas downloading Zone Alarm takes minutes.

> where ZA comes with a huge fold out diagram with pictures on it showing
> where to plug the 3 whole cables and be done with it except for a possible
> update here and there.

With ZA, you double-click on a downloaded file.  With a router, you
install hardware, THEN you go install files.  If you've already been up
and running, you also have to go change network settings, and that is
scary stuff for the computer illiterate.  If you can't see that X is
less work than X + Y + Z, for any values whatsoever of Y and Z > 0,
we have no common basis for discussion.

Either way, I'm done.

Shawn McMahon     | Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill,
EIV Consulting    | that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any
UNIX and Linux    | hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure
http://www.eiv.com| the survival and the success of liberty. - JFK

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