I've never posted to this list before, but I have found many vulns that
have saved me from particular professional embarrassment.  People who
contribute are saints and those who comment provide insight.  I have
never and will never filter this list and I believe that MW and others
ALL have valid points, no matter the opinion, its an opinion. I'd rather
wade through theses e-mails than suffer because I didn't recognise the
skills and aptitude of the people who make this list GREAT.  I have no
more to say and undoubtedly you will never see me post again.

Regards to all


-----Original Message-----
From: Myers, Marvin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 12 June 2003 13:12
To: morning_wood; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 0day
Subject: RE: [Full-Disclosure] Please Vote Today

This is pure Bull$hit. Don't agree with him, filter his e-mails. If the
list  becomes censored, I urge all list members who have ever had the
balls to have an original ideal to unsubscribe. What next. Who next. I
believe that the majority of this list doesn't really mind the rantings
of the wood. Hell that's the only way I have to entertain myself at this
starch collar dungeon where I work. Kick off the wood and you can send
me along with him. I can not believe that someone who would join an
unmoderated list would have the gall to try to censor. Don't open your
eyes, you are sure to see nothing but colon, because you surely have
your head where the sun does not shine.

-----Original Message-----
From: morning_wood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 11:38 PM
Subject: [Full-Disclosure] Please Vote Today

 some famous white hat's letter to Full Disclosure..

-------------------- snippy -------------------------------------

Len: It is my belief that list members who repeatedly post ridicule that
could not possibly be of any use for on-topic readers -- particularly
who post such things without any other contributions -- should at least
have their right to post permanently stripped, if they are allowed to
remain subscribers at all.  It is also my belief that Donnie Werner's
recent posts fit squarely into this catergory.  Not only has Donnie
continued to waste the effort of list maintainers and subscribers with
non-contributory e-mail, but he has also been extremely un-professional
the few cases where he has provided anything worth anyone's time.  For
reason, sorting through Donnie Werner's junk mail is not worth my time,
the time wasted of anyone else on this list.  It is with the highest
for Full-Disclosure as a place of promise in the continuing evolution of
information security, that I must urge the removal of Donnie Werner, as
is in the best interest of all on the list, and the future of the list

---------------- end snippy ---------------------------------------

Ladies and Gentleman... I am being systematicly blackballed,
If I coment on one white hat, I get threats from two more..

--------------- snippy --------------------------------------------

"I've created a poll to address this "Morning Wood" issue.
Quite a few people have been contacting us in regards to
his behaviour on the list and needless to say no small
number of people have left the list because of recent activity.


We'll wait a week before taking any action.

Note: We can moderate individuals who are problematic but we
are loath to actually remove someone from the list because there
is always hope for improvement. I am optimistic that if people
can be made aware of their anti-social behaviour they often
change for the better. We're all human and we've all got our


------------------- snippy ------------------------------


----------------- snippy --------------------------------

>> We would like to ask everyone who feels the need to
>> respond with one line comments to someone elses
>> inflammtory message to try to restrain themselves
>> because you are becoming part of the problem.
>> Thanks
>> Len
>Exactly who is "we" ?

The people who own this list. You know, the ones paying money out of
their pocket to host it.

Say, why don't you fuck off before you get hurt. You're starting to
me with your continous bullshit postings. Onviously this is the first
time you've subscribed to a mailing list and you're utterly intrigued
with seeing your own messages get post.

I say again why don't you fuck off before you get hurt!
------------------------- snippy---------------------------

well isnt that lovely...

Donnie Werner

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html

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