some random text about mod_security I forget where it came from maybe a security focus article...

*Defending against CSS and SQL Injection attacks*

The last step of securing the server is implementing the logging of the GET and POST payloads, and implementing protection against Cross-Site-Scripting and SQL Injection attacks. In order to perform that, we will use the mod_security module, which we enable by adding the following line into httpd.conf:

AddModule mod_security.c

To enable logging of the GET and POST requests, it suffices to add the following section to httpd.conf:

<IfModule mod_security.c>
   AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php

   SecAuditEngine On
   SecAuditLog logs/audit_log
   SecFilterScanPOST On
   SecFilterEngine On

The above commands will enable the Audit Engine, which is responsible for logging requests, and the Filtering POST Engine, which will make it possible to log POST requests. In order to protect web application against CSS attacks, the following lines should also be inserted before "</IfModule>":

   SecFilterDefaultAction "deny,log,status:500"
   SecFilter "<(.|\n)+>"

The first line causes that the server to return the "Internal Server Error" message when the request contains the search phrase from any SecFilter variable. The second line sets up the filter to search for HTML tags in the GET and POST requests.

One of the typical signatures of SQL Injection attack is the appearance of an apostrophe (') or quotation mark (") in the GET or POST request. By rejecting all the requests containing those characters, we can make the use of SQL Injection technique very difficult:

   SecFilter "'"
   SecFilter "\""

Note, that although filtering the <, >, ', " characters lets us defend against CSS and SQL Injection attacks, it can lead to the improper functioning of the PHP application. It happens, because regular users cannot use those characters in the HTML forms. To solve that problem, the JavaScript language can be used on the client side, which should replace the prohibited characters with special tags, e.g. &lt; &gt; &quot; etc.


Justin Shin wrote:

see theres a gazillion xss "exploits" just sitting out there that no-one knows of, and no admin can keep up with all the new "exploits" for xss. I am just looking for suggestions, that's all. I swear, when I said was stupid, I didn't mean I was THAT stupid :)

-- Justin Shin

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 11:05 PM
To: Justin Shin
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] logically stopping xss

On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 21:33:00 EDT, Justin Shin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

i know there's a lot of stupid jokes about XSS vulns right now, but I was
wondering if there is any firewall or IDS software that can look for suspicious
GET requests ... ie.

GET /vulnerablewebapp/?<XSS SHZNIT>

I'm sure there's a program out there ... and I'm stupid, please don't kill me

SNORT comes with a pretty long list....

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