On Sun, 27 Jul 2003 10:49:40 EDT, Chris Paget said:

> I agree completely that maybe the best way to stop all this is to make vendors
> liable for flaws in their products.  I heard rumours that this was being
> considered in the US - anyone know what the score is?

Be careful what you ask for, you may get it.

There be many nasty legal dragons here.

Who gets to foot the bill if a security hole is found in an open source product
like Apache?  Or one that's just "3 guys in their living room"?  It's going to be
REALLY hard to write a law that prevents disclaimer of liability for a big software
shop and still allows it for the average GPL software...

Who pays if the vendor/author has already released a patch and people haven't
upgraded?  This is an important case - note that it's the rare worm that's gotten
loose before the vendor has a patch....

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