(I originally quoted parts of the original message here, but I decided to
make a generic, reusable summary incase more PaidtoPlay admins come out.)  

Joe Admin of Faceless Corp wrote:
>blah, blah, blah ... can't be expected to secure our machines ... blah ...
>willing to sacrifice the routers of the world when we get infected ... 
>blah ... blah ... you just don't understand business ... blah ... blah ...
>need time for porn and CS ... blah ... blah ... blah ... $$$ ... $$$ ...
>... lots of servers ... too lazy to patch ... shouldn't be expected to ...
>$$$ ... $$$ ...
>[buzzword] ... $$$ ... $$$ ... $$$ ... [buzzword]

When someone makes a hole public, consider it exploited.  When the exploit
goes public it just means people like Chris can make a dollar off it, and
your would-be attackers will be clueless hordes instead of refined attackers.

Very little actually changes between advisory release and exploit release;  
it's just enough to make you guys put away the games and work for a bit, and
boo-hoo for you.

It's amazing how defensive you guys get when your CS&Porn paychecks are 
threatened; don't worry!  I doubt your managers read F-D/etc. 

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