On Tuesday 29 July 2003 13:34, Darren Reed wrote:
> I'm curious to know, does anyone subscribe to full-disclosure BUT NOT
> bugtraq ?  Is there any material that currently appears on bugtraq that
> never appears on full-disclosure ?  Is there anything that owners of
> full-disclsoure could do to bridge that gap, if it exists ?

I think the fact that someone on FD will still subscribe to BT and pass
along anything that misses this list takes care of bridging that gap.

<tongue in cheek>
unless Symantec decides to claim copyrights on all bugtraq submissions
</tongue in cheek>

> My personal current evaluation of the two lists is tending towards
> bugtraq being irrelevant, these days as it becomes more of a
> vendor-announce list (especially for Linux) than a useful forum to
> particpate in.

Agree. I tend to prefer the "Wild West" environment that FD offers. You get
relevant information and good wholesome entertainment to boot. I subscribe
to both, and will probably continue to do so. But, if I had to drop
one...Bugtraq would be gone.

Jonathan Rickman
X Corps Security

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html

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