

Ron DuFresne

On Wed, 13 Aug 2003, Geo. wrote:

> One of the most recent security fixes for Windows 2000 breaks Atguard on a
> dual homed machine. The symptoms are browsers that download partial pages,
> incomplete downloads, etc.
> anyway, it appears it's finally time to move on from atguard and I was
> wondering if anyone here has any suggestions for something simple and
> similar. I have been playing with tiny firewall 5 and it's just got so much
> default stuff configured for specific applications that I can't see even
> trying to straighten that mess out, and I enjoy configuring firewalls..
> My biggest requirement is I want to block on an application by application
> basis, so for example I can allow OE to connect to my mail server on ports
> 25 and 110 but not 80 and not any other IP addresses so that I can block
> things like webbugs. Also since I'm dual homed it's important to be able to
> allow an IP range that passes all the firewall features. Atguard was just
> perfect for this, clean simple and it worked up until this last round of
> fixes.
> Feel free to take the discussion off list, I'll be happy to post the
> results.
> Geo.
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