Interesting phenomenon emerging:

We have noticed in our log aggregators that some of the same hosts yesterday
that were doing port 135 scans... today seem to be doing some port 1026
scans.  This is a listener port for MS Messenger.  List follwers will
remember that this has been used as an avenue for spammers to send "pop-up"
alerts on users desktops.

farm9 (the InfoSec group I work for) is keeping an eye on this - we
correlate syslog, winlog, IDS and firewall data from a dozen or so

Has anybody spotted similar activity?  It would be interesting to see if
this is a new worm iteration.  Maybe sombody clever has figured they can
deliver MSSBlast.exe or phallus32.exe via Messenger.

I have already noticed curious folks that find that they can bind to a shell
on 4444, and are now fiddling around here - for a minute or so... ;-)

Jeremiah Cornelius, CISSP, CCNA, MCSE, Debianaut
farm9 Security
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: 415.235.7689

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