David M wrote:

> Once upon a time, pre-symantec it seems, it used to be a viable and
> pertinent list. I'm debating unsubscribing, since it's down
> to maybe a dozen
> posts a week at this point and just doesn't seem worth the
> effort to read
> posts that are 3, even 4, days old.

I'm still subscribed to several securityfocus lists, but have not submitted
for some time as I kept getting returned rejects even though they were
on-topic valid points. A real shame but not unusual for big-$ corporate
America to get their grubby little fingers on something good and run it into
the ground.

Information Security Engineer
DP Solutions


If you spend more on coffee than on IT security, you will be hacked.
What's more, you deserve to be hacked.
-- White House cybersecurity adviser Richard Clarke

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