True, But the problem with the announce list is it does take away the disccusion of issues, which is what this list is about. The issue is it has been polluted with crap, and bitching about that crap (ie - This email :) ) and has deaparted from the breif, proffessional, meaningful discussions about security issues, to a form that resembles an IRC channel.

The list really needs to be loosely moderated, at least for a while. I'm not sure how practical it is to do that, Len could comment more correctly on that point than myself, however, as for a open solution (ie - not moderated), I really do not have any clue on how it could be done.

If anyone has an open solution, I think it should be posted to the list and cc'ed to Len. I think this is one off-topic disscusion that we need to have if full disclosure is to reamain a valid forum for discussing in a meaningful, restrained, and proffessional manner (pardon my spelling :) )


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