On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 10:57:52AM -0400, Stephen Clowater wrote:
> True, But the problem with the announce list is it does take away the 
> disccusion of issues, which is what this list is about. The issue is it 
> has been polluted with crap, and bitching about that crap (ie - This 
> email :) ) and has deaparted from the breif, proffessional, meaningful 
> discussions about security issues, to a form that resembles an IRC channel.

Maybe not, if all posts to the announce list is also sent to the
disscusion list, for disccusion. That will be a solution very similar to
the one I proposed earlier in this thread. I also suggest a closed admin
list, for moderators only, which is where all posts to the announce list
go for moderation. It then needs a handler for when any moderator
replies to a mail there, then the mail will be accepted, and forwarded
to the moderated list. That is IMHO the easiest way to handle many
moderators, but then I'm no expert in mail list administration...

So if I just want the announcements I subscribe to the announce list, if
I want the full discussion and all the flamewars etc. I subscribe to the
discussion list instead.

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