> > Then how do you explain F-Prot's recent article condemning other AV
> > companies for doing the "spamvertising" you complain about?  The AV
> > industry is not mono-lithic and there are many internal disagreements
> > that the public are never privy to.
> One company finally breaks ranks two or three *years* after it's
> recognized that it's a problem.
> Please name the other top-10 A/V companies that followed F-Prot's lead in
> fixing this issue in their products.

As I already said in my message about this, some of us are working to 
get this fixed and have been for a while.  It will take time though -- 
for one, some of those darned users apparently _demand_ that this 
feature be left in the products (and you know, as well as I, that that 
means at least some of them intend to leave the "feature" enabled...).


Nick FitzGerald

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