Paul Schmehl wrote:

I disagree. Until the research is credible and vetted, investigating is premature. Many people don't seem to understand, investigating supposed discrepancies in the vote costs millions of dollars. The recount in Ohio will cost the state $1.5 million. That's money that could pay for other things. So you don't run off on wild goose chases just because some "researcher" says, "Oooooo, look at this. This looks really unusual."

You do realize that some people consider investigation and research to be connected and that, if there is any implication of a problem (whether the all-knowing creationist agrees or not) that that problem should be "looked into" (does that better suit your vocabulary?)....

So, what you're really saying is that you're not willing to back an investigation until an investigation is done which shows that an investigation is warranted, correct?

Well, of course you'd believe that!  It's politically expediant for you.  :)


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