Hello Fundy Forum. Hope you all had a great summer!

WE'RE THREE!! Yes, the Fundy Forum turns 3 years old this month and in
celebration, we're busy preparing to launch an exciting new project! All
we're willing to reveal at this point is that it's called "The Faces of
Fundy", and we're looking for your involvement... Stay tuned for details.

Staff News Flash: 

I've recently taken the plunge, and am diving in to graduate studies at
Acadia University in Wolfville, so will be working from there 4 days a week.
For the next 2 years I'll be working with Graham Daborn on the topic of
Marine Environmental Quality in the Minas Basin. In particular, how do you
define environmental quality and how do you measure it? Having said that,
I'd like you to know that I will still be involved with the Fundy Forum (you
can't get rid of me that easily!), but not at the fore front. Lesley Carter
([EMAIL PROTECTED], 902.426.6392), who most of you know already, as
she's been with us for 9 months now, will be taking on more of the day to
day stuff as well as the long term planning-type of activities. If you'd
like to discuss our new arrangements with either of us, by all means, please
call or drop a line. 

New Web Content:

We now have an excellent summary of the Oil Spill Timed Discussion at
http://www.fundyforum.com/tdarchive/td9summary.html. Lesley spent many hours
sorting through the 75 (!) email messages that were sent during the 2 weeks
of discussion and the result is a very comprehensive summary, in plain
language, that provides an excellent overview of the key points discussed.
It's a great read, so please do check it out.

The University of Rhode Island has recently made available a CD containing
the sounds of 153 species of fishes copied from original recordings that
supplemented the landmark book "Sounds of Western North Atlantic Fishes" by
Marie Fish and William Mowbray.  We hope that our making this CD available
will stimulate increased research on soniferous fishes.  Those interested in
obtaining a copy of the CD can find information at the following web site:

Marine Habitat Characterization and Mapping Workshop, October 21st - 23,
(Sponsored by NOAA and the Gulf of Maine Council for the Marine Environment)

Workshop Purpose:  To develop a (five year) regional strategy to map and
characterize marine habitats in the Gulf of Maine.

Objectives: To bring together marine benthic habitat researchers, users and
potential users of marine habitat information to improve coordination on
marine characterization and mapping initiatives.

To test and implement the ICES/EUNIS habitat framework in the Gulf of Maine.

Audience:  Marine resource managers, marine habitat researchers,consultants,
marine educators, outreach professionals, environmental groups, and marine
technology companies.

When:  October 21st - 23, 2001

Where:  Sebasco Harbor Resort, Sebasco Estates, Maine

Accommodations:  Workshop location and accommodations will be at the Sebasco
Harbor Resort in Sebasco Estates, Maine located just south of Bath.  All
rooms are being offered at a special conference rate.  Book early. Attached
is a hotel reservation form to be faxed or sent directly to Sebasco.

Registration Information:  Workshop costs have been generously covered by
NOAA.  Registration will be strictly first come, first served to the first
80 registrants.  All registration will be via e-mail.  We urge you not to
register if you may not attend as this will not only preclude another person
from attending, but will also result in our paying for your space despite
your not attending. 

To Register:  Simply send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
stating your interest in attending.  Be sure to include your name,
affiliation, address, telephone number and e-mail address.  Your
registration to the workshop will not be considered complete until your
hotel form and payment is received  by Sebasco Harbor Resort. 

Half the workshop is filled, so register soon.

Susan Snow-Cotter
Assistant Director
Coastal Zone Management
251 Causeway Street
Boston, MA 02114

p - (617) 626-1202 
f - (617) 626-1240

New book announcement: 

by Fikret Berkes, Robin Mahon, Patrick McConney, Richard  Pollnac and Robert
International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, 308 pp. 
IDRC 2001, ISBN 0-88936-943-7, $35 

Available in print and online (downloadable by chapter)

Managing Small-Scale Fisheries looks beyond the scope of  conventional
fishery management to alternative concepts, tools,  methods and conservation
strategies. The book includes extensive material on participatory
management, local-level institutions, commons issues and co-management. More
detail may be found  in the web site mentioned above. 

Gulf of Maine Council News:

1.  The Council is now accepting nominations for its annual Visionary and
Longard Volunteer Awards.  For more information, go to
[http://gulfofmaine.org/council/awards.htm].  The nomination deadline is
October 12, 2001.

2.  The Council is planning to launch a "Friends of the Gulf of Maine"
listserv this fall.  Those who completed the survey, and subscribers to the
Gulf of Maine Times (Council's quarterly newspaper,
http://gulfofmaine.org/times/summer2001/index.html) will be invited to sign
up to receive regular information about Council events (availability of
grant funds, requests for award nominations, conference/workshop/meeting
notices, etc.), and to interact with others about Gulf of Maine issues.  You
will not be enrolled in the listserv automatically.  The Council respects
your privacy, and will give you the option of enrolling.  

3.  Everyone is invited to join the Gulf of Maine Environmental Information
Exchange (GOMINFOEX) listserv.  For more information, visit

There may be a new fuel will be coming into the Bay of Fundy in the near
future - Orimulsion. Bill McAlister has provided a detailed report for the
St. Croix Estuary Project. You can access it at http://www.scep.org/.

Did you know that the National Programme of Action (NPA) has a Clearing
House? Visit http://www.ec.gc.ca/marine/npa-pan/index.htm for all the goods
on a variety of issues...

Max(ine) Westhead, Fundy Forum Coordinator
Marine Environmental Quality Coordinator, Bay of Fundy
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
PO Box 1006, B500
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2
Ph: 902.426.4215
Fax: 902.426.3855

Fundy Forum listserver is dedicated to providing a forum for Bay of Fundy Issues.
List moderator: Maxine Westhead
On-line Archiving: <http://www.fundyforum.com/listserver/main_archive.htm>
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