Hello Fundy Forum!

Keep your nose to the ground - we're busy preparing for the upcoming Timed
Discussion on Wharves in the Bay of Fundy some time in February. If you've
got any good web links or background documents you'd like to share, by all
means let us know.

On to the News Update...

Jef Achenbach is the 200th subscriber to the Fundy Forum listserver!
Congratulations, Jef and thanks for joining us! The Fundy Forum has been
growing for over 3 years now, and we always love to hear about how you use
it, how it helps you with your work, how you learn from it, or anything else
you'd like to tell us. Hit reply and don't be shy... 

The Minas Basin Working Group (a part of the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem
Partnership) is holding a community forum on Thursday, January 24th at the
Horton High School in Wolfville, NS (snow date Jan 31). If you are
interested in or live in the watershed, this forum provides an opportunity
to voice your concerns and work with others to make changes happen. The
forum is open to the public, and will be an Open House from 5:00 - 7:00
followed by Discussion from 7:00 - 9:30. For more information please contact
Robin Mussleman, Workshop Coordinator at 902.455.2202 or


An ecological artist's response to environmental degradation. With
scientists and policy makers, a Vinalhaven salt marsh was restored and
healing solutions strategized for waters within the Gulf of Maine.

Aviva Rahmani, January 19th to March 2nd, 2002.
Centre for Maine Contemporary Art
162 Russell Avenue, Rockport, Maine 04856

BoFEP Abstracts Due January 31st!

The Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership is busy planning their upcoming 5th
Bay of Fundy Science Workshop that will be held in Wolfville from May 13-16,
2002. The overall theme is "The Health of the Bay of Fundy: Assessing Key

This is not just a science workshop, though, as all types of presentations
are welcomed and encouraged. From socioeconomic to reserves and parks to
coastal community issues - all topics are welcomed. Please contact Nancy
Roscoe-Huntley at 902.585.1113 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a brief
summary of your presentation idea.

Call for Proposals - Upper Bay of Fundy Biosphere Initiative

A planning committee has been established to seek local support for and
develop a nomination document for application to the UNESCO Man and
Biosphere Program (MAB). If successful, the Upper Basins of the Bay of Fundy
could become the second UNESCO Biosphere Region in Atlantic Canada and one
of only 12 in Canada. 

The committee is looking for a company to conduct necessary research, assist
with community consultation, and assist with the compilation necessary to
craft the nomination document.

Deadline for application is Friday, January 25, 2002. For a copy of the
complete Terms of Reference, please contact the Colchester Regional
Development Agency at 902-893-0140 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Over the past 4 years, the Nova Scotia Rural Team has heard from rural
citizens that they would like to hold dialogue sessions within their own
communities.  The Rural Secretariat has responded by developing a Rural
Community Dialogue Toolkit that is available on the Rural Website at:

The Community Dialogue Toolkit is a "how to" guide to holding
community-based dialogue sessions. It has been written for use by community
leaders of all types. Anyone who can start a conversation can use this
toolkit. It offers a flexible approach that can be easily adapted to your
community and its objectives.
Film: Battle At Our Shores

The public is invited to a showing of the highly acclaimed documentary film,
"Battle at Our Shores" about the conflict between people trying to protect
the southern gulf of St. Lawrence area from oil and gas development and
those promoting it.

The film is both moving and, at times, humourous; the issue is important for
all Nova Scotians.

The film will be shown at 4:30 PM, January 24, at the Digby site of the Nova
Scotia Community College board room. Please call Carol Mahtab at 834-2366
for more information.

Public Lecture Announcement at Dalhousie Law School
Marine and Environmental Law Programme Lecture Series

All welcome to a public lecture provided in cooperation with:
SOS2 Coalition, Gulf Nova Scotia Herring Federation, Ecology Action Centre,
Environmental Law Student Society , Law Hour

"Oil and Gas: Comparing Regulations and Policy in Atlantic Canada and

Speaker: Mick Green
12.00-13.00, Thursday, 24 January 2002
Room 105, Weldon Law Building, 6061 University Avenue

Did you know... that according to the Commission for Environmental
Cooperation's latest State of the Environment Report, 18% of Canada's land
mass is comprised of wetlands? In a broader context, Canada's wetlands
contribute 60% of North America's total wetland area!

The Gulf of Maine Times' online version is at
http://www.gulfofmaine.org/times. This issue features two main articles
about the Bay of Fundy. "A Community's gift to the Gulf of Maine," about
this dedicated group of citizens in Advocate Harbour who worked for nearly
two decades to establish a park at Cape Chignecto. As a result, 4,200
hectares/10,000 acres of priceless coastal land has been preserved. The
other is a profile of Mary Majka and David Christie, the incredible stewards
who were instrumental in establishing Mary's Point, NB. They are simply
irrepressible. The lead article is on sprawl in Maine. If anyone would like
to subscribe to the paper they can e-mail Andi Reardon, editor, at

Post-Doctoral Position - Salt Marsh Restoration in the Gulf of Maine

A two-year position is available at the Wells National Estuarine Research
Reserve in Wells, Maine, to further coastal habitat restoration goals
through coordinated regional evaluation of restoration projects in the Gulf
of Maine.  Gulf-wide restoration activities will be identified and
coordinated to provide standardized monitoring data (find protocols at
http://www.pwrc.usgs.gov/resshow/neckles/gpac.htm) for use in a regional
database.  The data will be synthesized and analyzed to assess regional
restoration effectiveness.  A regional, interdisciplinary team of advisors
will guide project development and synthesis. 

Salary and benefits (FICA and health insurance) will total US $41,000.
Funds are currently available for year 1; year 2 funding will be sought by
the partnership.  The Associate will be expected to travel as needed to
serve all state and provincial jurisdictions in the Gulf of Maine (travel
budget provided).  

Send cover letter of interest, vita, a research paper and three letters of
recommendation to: GOMCE/GPAC Search Committee,  attn. Dr. Michele Dionne,
Research Director,  Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, Wells, Maine
04090; (207) 646-1555 x 136; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All application materials must be received by February 9, for a March to
April start date.

WELLS NERR is an equal opportunity employer that does not discriminate on
the basis of race, gender, religious or sexual preference, handicap,
national origin, or cultural background.


Thursday and Friday, March 7 and 8, 2002
American Museum of Natural History, New York City



Sustaining Seascapes: The Science and Policy of Marine Resource Management
will examine the large-scale conservation of marine ecosystems - considering
novel approaches to the sustainable management of biodiversity and
fisheries. Through theory, reviews, and case studies, participants will
explore efforts to integrate natural, socioeconomic, and cultural factors at
local and regional scales in response to ongoing threats to both fisheries
and biodiversity.

CALL FOR POSTERS: Poster subject must relate to the symposium's themes and
may include theory, empirical studies, or case studies. Please limit
abstracts to 300 words, and include title, author(s), and contact
information for the lead author. Submit abstracts to the CBC's Outreach
Program Coordinator, Fiona Brady, at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Deadline for submission: February 18, 2002.

TO REGISTER, please contact: Central Reservations, American Museum of
Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY 10024 (USA)
212-769-5200 (phone), 212-769-5272 (fax), or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

http://research.amnh.org/biodiversity/ or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fishery Exclusion Zones Internet Conference
21st January - 4th February 2002, http://www.valfez.org/internet_conf/

This conference will address the biological and socioeconomic effects of
fishery exclusion zones relating to their value as a fisheries management
tool, with particular emphasis on European fisheries. We define 'fishery
exclusion zone' (FEZ) broadly to mean a spatially explicit restriction on
fishing, such that there is a clearly defined zone within a larger fishing
area in which some form of fishing (permitted in the larger area) is
prohibited for at least part of the year. We therefore do not include closed
seasons or gear restrictions which apply to a whole fishery, but do include
no-take zones, closed areas, fishing 'boxes' and gear exclusion zones, as
well as marine protected areas, reserves, parks and sanctuaries.

The aims of the conference are to disseminate the results of current
research, including that of the organisers, and to promote the exchange of
information and opinions on the use of FEZs among academics, practitioners
and policy makers.

The conference will comprise a number of papers by the project team and
invited authors, as well as 'electronic posters' submitted in response to an
open call. These articles will be displayed on the conference web site for
two weeks and a discussion forum will be open during the second week. Papers
will be in the form of PowerPoint presentations converted for display on the
web, with speaker's notes incorporated. An example can be seen here. The
conference language will be English.

For more information:
Carlo Pipitone
CNR-IRMA (formerly: CNR-ITPP)
Laboratorio di Biologia Marina
via Giovanni da Verrazzano 17
91014 Castellammare del Golfo (TP)
Tel: +39 0924 35013
Fax:+39 0924 35084
Web site: http://www.irma.pa.cnr.it

Max(ine) Westhead, Fundy Forum Coordinator
Marine Environmental Quality, Bay of Fundy
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
PO Box 1006, B500
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2
Ph: 902.426.4215
Fax: 902.426.3855
Fundy Forum listserver is dedicated to providing a forum for Bay of Fundy Issues.
List moderator: Maxine Westhead
On-line Archiving: <http://www.fundyforum.com/listserver/main_archive.htm>
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