Title: 6th Bay of Fundy Workshop - Display Space

Good day,

I am pleased to offer you and your organization a display space at the upcoming 6th Bay of Fundy Workshop - The Changing Bay of Fundy: Beyond 400 Years. This years event will be particularly exciting as we reflect on the past 400 years of change and discuss what must be done to ensure future ecological integrity. The workshop will be held at the Annapolis Basin Conference Centre in Cornwallis Park, Nova Scotia from September 29th to October 2nd. If you would like to reserve a display space please fill out the "Application for Display Space" form at http://www.bofep.org/2004_workshop.htm and follow the submission details. There is no cost to have a display space, however you must have at least one person registered at the workshop (early registration deadline is September 3rd). Space is limited, and secured on a first come fist served basis, so register soon.

Please forward to any interested parties. Feel free to contact me with any questions, or check out the Workshop website at http://www.bofep.org/2004_workshop.htm Looking forward to having you join us - see you there!


Max(ine) C. Westhead, Oceans Biologist
Oceans & Coastal Management Division, DFO
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
PO Box 1006, B500
Dartmouth, NS, B3L 2Y9
Ph:   902.426.4215
Fax: 902.426.3855

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