On 11/3/06, Kevin McAleavey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Heh. It's ALL water in the end. Some bottles just cost more than others. (grin)

At 12:36 PM 11/3/06, Unca Gadi wrote:
>Fuckiong too close to water I say!!

Lets note the history of beer in the Americas. There is a vast
difference in the resources available to brewers in Europe versus
those available to early Americans.

Also, most US beers are pilsners - we didn't invent them, we imported
them. Budweiser and it's various versions of beer are all pilsners.

On top of that, over here, to reach a national audience, you need to
make sure the beer lasts long enough to at least make it to the
market. While it may take only 4 hours for you to drive across
England, it takes that much or more to drive across Missouri (St.
Louis to Kansas City)...and we're not talking about shipping it by
truck when Adolf came up with pasteurization (or refrigerated train
cars, etc.).

Finally, Budweiser and Bud Light are the best selling beers WORLD
wide, not just in the US (according to them anyway - and I don't doubt
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