Stroking a long-haired cat works well, but only from the seated position.

On Tue, 29 Sep 2009, Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon & Hannah wrote:

> Date sent:            Tue, 29 Sep 2009 15:20:28 -0700
> From:                 "Buhrmaster, Gary" <>
> > > But first, let me grow out this mustache, for I must have something to
> > > twirl..
> > 
> > When did the (evil) goatee go out of style?  I missed that press
> > release.
> The evil goatee restricts the wearer to lurking in the shadows stroking the 
> goatee 
> and considering destroying the world pensively.  Evil goatee wearers never 
> get to 
> have a tense showdown with the hero, although this disadvantage is somewhat 
> offset by the fact that evil goatee wearers generally do get to escape the 
> hero's 
> righteous retribution, and therefore get many subsequent chances to develop 
> other 
> evil plans.  Most importantly, the evil goatee is forbidden to anyone who 
> even 
> considers developing an evil laugh.
> So, the evil goatee is not really out of style, but it is only fashionable 
> among the 
> shyer and less fun-loving madmen.
> ======================  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
> No society can be truly free where only those whose morals are
> uninfluenced by religion are entitled to participate in
> deliberations related to moral issues of education in public
> school.                    - BC Appeal Court Judge Kenneth Mackenzie
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