Neal's code is neat and pretty, but chapter and verse is no substitute  
for open code and side by side checks. A LOT of his output bears a  
strong resemblence to edge detection (really, look for high frequency  
signal, it'll show up in every test).

I want to be clear, I have no doubt whatsoever that he's using the  
techniques as described. I also dont doubt the fundamental thesis that  
some manipulation can be detected (especially in a trivial case like  
'was this image downsized' or 'was this saved by Photoshop instead of  
a Canon camera', which is obvious from quantization tables if not from  
the raw EXIF). But some of these techniques feel a little interpret-y.  
More samples would be great.

On Dec 28, 2009, at 3:21 AM, "Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &  
Hannah" <> wrote:

> An interesting analysis of a graphic recently used by Victoria's  
> Secret in their
> advertising.  This gives chapter and verse of the techniques used,  
> and results
> obtained, demonstrating the ability to determine if an image has  
> been altered, and
> even which parts of an image have been modified, and how.
> I find this particularly interesting because of the apparently  
> widely held belief that
> steganography is "undetectable" without comparision to the original  
> image.  Most
> of the "Photoshop disasters" are glaringly obvious to the naked  
> eye.  As this
> demonstrates, analysis and detection of modification is easily  
> accomplished, even
> when the differences are not apparent to the human eye.  (Well,  
> except for the
> straps.  That was pretty stupid ...)
> ======================  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
>      I live in my own little world, but it's OK, they know me here.
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