On 29/12/09 09:52 -0800, Tomas L. Byrnes wrote:
>While not all Muslim males aged 18-35 are suicidal terrorists, virtually
>ALL suicidal terrorists and airplane hijackers in the last 40 years have
>been Muslim males aged 18-35.

Try explaining that to the fine folks over in OKC, or the ones in
Berekeley, or the ones in Birmingham.

An attempt to define terrorism as something that occurs on airplanes and is
acted out by Muslim extremists looking to kill themselves is a convincing
argument for the 24/7/10 day news cycle we exist in today, but is a rather
narrow scope for a nation attempting to protect its citizens.

Question: Do you now expect the next terrorist attack in the US to come via
a plane?

Dan White
Fun and Misc security discussion for OT posts.
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