On Tue, 29 Dec 2009 19:19:24 -0000, Tomas L. Byrnes <t...@byrneit.net>  
> The US has been a minor a**hole as compared to what Islam has been for
> the vast majority of its existence. Islam has been spread almost
> exclusively by conquest, and its grip in the places where it is the
> majority religion is invariably enforced by intolerant police states.

Oh really? How about Spain in the 8th - 11th Century CE, it was a  
scientific mecca with members of all three of the major religions at the  
time welcome and peaceful?

How about the crusades? Christians get a little taxation to enter foreign  
lands and then decide to attempt to wipe out vast segments of another land  
-- just because of some, minor differences in beliefs.

Hey, why don't we just profile all Abrahamic religions - after all they do  
share a deity.

I'll put away the stereotype brush now.

> Just because a bunch of hurlers on the ditch keep repeating the lie that
> the problem in the world is "US Imperialism" doesn't make it so. The US
> has conquered large parts of the world, in one case twice (western
> Europe), and all we have kept is enough land to bury our dead. Compare
> and contrast that with how Europe behaved until the second time the US
> rescued it from its own internecine insanity, how Japan acted until
> pacified by McArthur, how the Soviet Union enslaved and killed millions,
> how Islam has always acted, or how China is acting now (Tibet FE).

I'm sick of this statement from USians: the US did not pull Europe's arse  
out of the fire in the first or second world war. It joined late in both  
wars when the war was already in its sodding endgame. If the US hadn't  
been involved there would have been a similar result, it just would've  
taken a tad longer and the Russians would've had more influence over the  
rest of Europe.

> Personally, I think we should let the rest of you all go back to the
> dark ages, and just focus on the Americas.

I'll just quote Oscar Wilde here: "America is the only country that went  
 from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between."
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