On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 05:39:44AM -0700, Thomas J. Raef wrote:
>  I'm not sure I totally buy into the "conspiracy theory" of anti-spam 
> vendors, but I could still have my head in the sand too. 

I don't think it's anything like a conspiracy; I just think it's
corporations doing they [almost] always do: maximizing profits.
I'm not even sure that some of the grasp the consequences of what
they're doing.  And given that some of these companies are making
the spam problem *worse* (and can't really claim ignorance once
this has been pointed out to them) I don't see why they should
work toward eliminating the problem that drives their revenue stream.

Stopping spam is easy: most of it just requires ignoring the
flavor-of-the-month and eschewing complexity.  Stopping spammers
is much harder and requires achieving an understanding of their
methods -- and precious few people have bothered with this step.

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