>> Yes, I'm currently seeing about 98% spam.  At what percentage does
>> email become useless?
> Food for thought, or fuel for the flames....

Or perhaps both. :)

> One should ask the US Post Office.  ["snail spam"]
> Next talk to Ma-bell.  Without the no-call list, how many junk phone
> calls do you get vs want?  [...]
> Granted I get more per day in email, but the rates of ham/spam is
> "about the same".


While in my case it's not the _US_ post office, I've been doing
something akin to the same exercise as a back-of-the-envelope estimate,
and I see very different numbers.

Snail spam is mostly under control for me; I'd say no more than half
the paper in my mailbox is junk.  (That's including junk such as ads
from the telco I get my home phone service from, which, while it's
unwanted advertising, is not really snail-spam because of the EBR; it
scales just fine.)

Phone spam is vaguely comparable, though details depend on whether you
roll my cell in with my land line - calls to the cell are, as far as I
can recall, 100% ham.  (I've gotten a few SMS spams, but after
demonstrating in 2003 to my provider that I really was willing to
cancel over them - some six-plus years - I've gotten only three.)

> On television, you get ads every few minutes, not counting blatant
> product placement.

And that's a major part - probably more than half - of why I don't have
a television and watch very little television even at my gf's, where I

I don't know how much of the email aimed at me is spam; most of it is
stopped before my end receives enough of it to tell, some of the worst
so early I don't even have connection attempt counts (my border router
blocks cruise at about 800 IPs these days).  Roughly half the rest is
turned away; almost all of that is spam, and almost all the stuff that
gets through to my mailbox is ham.

So, I don't have definite numbers.  But I'd say email is significantly
worse than other media for me.

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