Hi James,

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 08:11, James Philput <jamesphil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been trying to convince the powers that be to let me have a test
> iPad just for testing cleaners, but they won't do it.

Hrm...I can see the rationale for that.  After all, if a problem is
discovered, especially with the current practices not being
sufficient, the the powers that be have to do something about it,
right?  I suppose plausible deniability is a nice thing, so long as
it's not their open sores rotting with Staph infection.

I was thinking that with Steve Jobs about to get serious medical
treatment, it would be interesting to see if his medical doctors show
up carring iPads with his medical information on them.  Perhaps the
doctors are using opensource, non-FDA-approved medical image software
for diagnosis [1].  Or perhaps those same doctors' iPads ealier in the
day had a couple of kids playing Angry Birds, and later that
afternoon, after meeting worth Mr. Jobs, the doctors will be at
Starbucks, using their iPads on a open wireless connection?

Let me be clear in that I wish Mr. Jobs the speediest full recovery
and that my heart goes out to his family.  But I do hope that with his
downtime and likely exposure to iPads in medical environments -- that
is, his own treatment -- he will gain some insights and clarity
concerning the risks of consumer devices used in these environments.

We're eating our own dogfood now, no?


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