On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 1:35 PM, Drsolly <drsol...@drsolly.com> wrote:
> There's an interesting issue here.
> If the imprudent Mr Piggy builds a straw house next to a place that
> floods, should I be taxed to build flood defences around his house?
In the US, the answer is yes. New Orleans is in a flood plain (its
below sea level).

Some of the money to build the flood defenses was pilfered and wasted
by the politicians - substandard  levies, money diverted to
casino/riverboat gambling, money diverted to other individuals and
special projects...

Hopefully the UK will fair better.

Who is more dangerous to this country? The corrupt politicians who
never face investigation or prosecution? Or the Muslims living in a
cave pissed off about socio-economic injustice and biased foreign


> On Tue, 6 Nov 2012, Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon & Hannah wrote:
>> The flooding of New York City was, once again, an example of known threats 
>> not
>> being addressed.
>> http://www.economist.com/blogs/gulliver/2012/11/defending-new-york-floods
>> It would have been too expensive to do anything about the issues.  (Flood 
>> costs
>> currently $50B and rising as more damage found.)
>> Of course, nobody could have predicted Sandy, because this was a storm 
>> produced
>> by changing conditions.  Brought on by global warming/climate change.  Which 
>> is
>> another issue that is too expensive to address ...
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