> That's hardly an exclusive club - every US citizen is a member. Have
> you seen what the US has done in the middle east? We have got to be
> the biggest exporter of terror in history...
> I hope the next set of airplanes fly directly into a sitting session
> of congress while the president is addressing them. It would be
> fitting for the assholes who created the mess with their foreign
> policy. I'm tired of seeing innocent citizens suffering for these
> assholes.


Ask foreigners what the most hated country is, I'm sure most of them will 
answer with "USA".

Their attitude of self called "World Police" is going on everybody's nuts - no 
wonder there is so much anti-american propaganda out there.

The recent radicalization of the moderates regarding military actions against 
the IS in Syria and Iran just because some bloke got beheaded shows it again.

Unpolitical people that change their attitude just because one american dies 
while thousands of other humans, not even slightly less worth than an american 
citizen, keep dying every single day.
...but nobody cares until an american dies...

I'm quite sure that most of the citizens of the USA have an identity crisis 
that they counter with false pride and overwhelming patriotism.
After all there is no 'The American' - The true americans, the natives, got 
nearly extinct and what are now 'The American' are all immigrants - yet they 
are so xenophobe that they lock down borders and have the most ridiculous 
border checks I've had to endure so far... How does that even fit?...

From a person that lives in "Nazi-Land" I can tell that american "patriotism" 
beats the shit out of what Hitler did in his propaganda.

- my 2 euro-cents


PS: Offended? I'm sure there is a delete button you can click.

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