On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 5:57 PM,  <valdis.kletni...@vt.edu> wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Oct 2014 17:02:14 -0400, Jeffrey Walton said:
>> Politicians are usually corrupt to the core. They are more than happy
>> to take money and peddle influence. I'd much rather see a politician
>> killed, and I'm not sure I would bestow honors on someone who stopped
>> it...
> Would you bestow honors on the guys who stopped John Hinkly Jr before he
> managed to get another bullet into Reagan?
Reagan was not a good example. Six or so of his senior staff went to
jail after his presidency for their crimes. The investigations stopped
at Bush and Reagan (take a guess why...).

Bin Laden and friends were Reagan's "Freedom Fighters". They were well
funded and well trained. We can thank Reagan and friends for the rise
of the nice folks who are trying to kill us, and who we're trying to
kill now.

Oh, and Reagan was an illegal arms dealer. I still remember Iran Contragate.

Hinckley did the right thing for the wrong reason. Hindsight being
20/20, the one bullet should have found its mark.


> Yes, many of them *are* corrupt, but jumping from there to "Every single
> one of them is so corrupt that they don't deserve an attempt to stop
> an assassination" shows something pretty sad about you.
Yes. I have no faith that the oligarchy can police itself. Their
actions and crimes become more brazen over time.

I'm more than happy to watch the vigilantes dispense justice. I
actually take great pleasure in it. When I see a corrupt politician
taken down, I say "Awesome, that's one less we have to deal with. I'm
glad I was around to see it".

It really saddened me that Ted Kennedy lived so long. I wanted to see
him go sooner. He was a murderer, a liar and a cheat. Its a shame
justice never caught up with him.


> If nothing else, remember that most of them have families that will grieve.
> Those politicians need to lose an election.  Not a life.
Its unfortunate for the families. But at least they lived through the event.

You can look at it like collateral damage... Similar to the collateral
damage in the middle east from the allies (Australia, Canada, New
Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States)?

Remember, the allies are accidentally killing off entire families in
pursuit of their targets. They have no reservation in razing an entire
city block because a cell phone signals. Don't bother with details
like [0]...

In this perspective, a grieving politician's family pales in comparison.


Related: another great case study is William McKinley. Leon Czolgosz
should be celebrated as a hero.

Do you know why Czolgosz is a better choice? (It has to do with the
Robber Barons buying the election, how the political machinery tried
to tame Roosevelt, and the reforms that Roosevelt implemented after he
assumed the office).



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