
I've a challenge I'd like to invite your inspiration on. We're doing a
loan contract. In a few places, the document requires a little explanation
phrase underneath a variable field. I've posted an example here:

The idea is to have a variable field in a sentence, with a little tag
beneath it (centered beneath the field ideally) that follows it around
wherever it winds up in the paragraph as the text before it expands and

My first idea was to set this up as a one-column, two row table that lives
inline with the paragraph (example rule below). However, It appears you
always wind up with a linebreak before and after the table, so it's not
really inline.

I the whole line were a table, I could certainly make it work, but I'd
need a clever way to determine where those line breaks actually occur.
Then again, perhaps making the whole paragraph into a big table would
work, though I think I'd still need to find wrapping info somwhere.

Or perhaps my table ides isn't so hot and there's a better approach. I'd
value all your advice.

Rule Example (yeah I know I'm verbose in my code  :)  ): 

var X = "";

X += "<P quad=" + Chr(34) + "c" + Chr(34) + ">";
X += "<table columns=" + Chr(34) + "1" + Chr(34) + " alignment=" + Chr(34) + 
"center" + Chr(34) + " margins=" + Chr(34) + "Top:0;Bottom:0;Right:0;Left:0" + 
Chr(34) + ">";
X += "<column width=" + Chr(34) + "144000" + Chr(34) + ">";

X += "<row>";
X += "<cell><z newsize=" + Chr(34) + "9" + Chr(34) + ">" + Field("Trust");
X += "<row>";
X += "<cell><z newsize=" + Chr(34) + "7" + Chr(34) + ">[Name of Records]";
X += "</table>";

return X;

Paul W. Gembicki
Consolidated Graphics Group, Inc.
Graphic Arts Centre 1614 E. 40th Street
Cleveland, OH 44103

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