Hello Dan
  This is our first variable graphic job. We basiclly have 3 CT's that we
wish to swap out based on <City>. We are trying to set-up the way the variable
graphic is explained in the FusionPro Quick Start Guide with the only
difference being that we are trying to set a default. We have
approxamately 210 total cities,  out of that 7 cities are one CT, and
another 7 are a different CT, with all the others defaulting to the 3rd
CT. When we preview our file the 2 groups of 7 show-up, but none of the
default cities pick-up the assigned default CT.
  We found a work around by going back to our data file and creating a new
field with as a trigger field assigning a numeric value 1 (default),  2 (7
cities), and 3 (The next 7 cites).
   It works this way, but we still would like to know why the default does
not seem to swap out the way it should with our intial attempts.     
Thanks, Keith

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