>From Jay Hanson:

Saul, your moaning and groaning is rather unproductive.  What part seems
"more like a personal obsession" ?

 I thought I was quite explicit.  Can you be explicit? <


The whole tenor of your argument, your repetition of the same, and the
kaleidescopic nature of the way in which it is repeated from various
perspective, using an inventive range of invective metaphor.  All
classical signs of obsessive communication.

To go into more detail, would be to waste time pointing out specific
sores, pimples, and mosquito bites.  Why waste time and energy on that,
when the whole tissue of your argument is a mass of sores?

I have made my point, and it will satisfy some readers, while offending
others.  You have made yours (and will no doubt continue to make yours). 

Saul Silverman
(not an economist, by the way)

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