Could be he is saying 'stop this before my dystopian vision becomes a
reality....a cyber plea for help'.
From: Michael Gurstein
To: futurework
Cc: Caspar Davis
Subject: Re: More Angell Dust
Date: Thursday, November 26, 1998 5:16PM

Ian Angell is for real.  He is a Professor of Computer Science at the LSE
in the UK and is making something of a career out of making remarks such
as those I forwarded.

My sense is that he took Ms. Thatcher rather too much to heart...


On Thu, 26 Nov 1998, Caspar Davis wrote:

> Is this for real? Who is this guy? I plead ignorance, but I need to
> know if this is straight or satire. And if straight, who he is and what
> his sphere of influence.
> Caspar Davis

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