as soon as people realise that communism
means democratic socialism which is
as much antithesis to stalinism as
to capitalism, more people will
"come out" as it were... I am proud to
be a communist as defined originally,
e.g. Marx's Manifesto.


> As often happens, I totally agree with you, Eva.
> I had better be careful, or people will think that I am a COMMUNIST, God
> (if there is a god) forbid
> :-)
> Colin
> At 08:31 AM 11/26/98 +0000, Eva Durant wrote:
> >Half of the population is above average intelligence,
> >and that half is better at communication...
> >The point is, that without active and conscious
> >participation you cannot affect any change;
> >so we have no choice but to go for democracy.
> >Every option has risks, this one has the 
> >most chance. Cooperation was always the main
> >survivor feature of humans, more and
> >more wide-ranging and integrated over
> >the centuries, with tyranny and chauvinism
> >the periodical backswing. 
> >Global conscious collectivity
> >seems to be the next logical progression -
> >hopefully, this time leaving no chance
> >(uninformed, left-out mass base) for
> >medieval reaction.
> >
> >Contempt for humanity have never worked,
> >for sure.
> >
> >Eva

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