[ I got this off-list, but Tom Ables said he wanted it on-list,
  so I am forwarding it to the list. ]

Jay Hanson wrote, in part:
> If you are looking for a new god to lead the masses out of the wilderness,
> the cargo cults exemplified by Julian Simon would be a bad choice.  Cargo
> cults will fall out of favor when global oil production "peaks" in  less
> than ten years.

First, Jay, talk to us about the recent finds of frozen methane on the
ocean floor- supposedly puts the current oil/gas reserves in the minor

next, I cite Julian Simon, not because I believe in his folks as the
God's who will rain cargo on the world but because they are happy by and
large and don't seem to be wlking around with a cloud over their heads.
And secondly, consistantly, they have out guessed the gloom and doomers

So, if we throw out Simon and their Nemisis from the "green" camp what
do we have for an alternative- I haven't seen a good vision which is
orthogonal to this linear spread or at least onto on the line somewhere
betweeen the two extremes.

And that is what I think is needed, some creative vision other than
making the developed world wear hair shirts and turn in their SUV's so
that the developing world has to capitulate and cut its growth desires




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