>>Jay Hanson wrote, in part:
>> If you are looking for a new god to lead the masses out of the
>>wilderness, the cargo cults exemplified by Julian Simon would be
>> a bad choice.  Cargo cults will fall out of favor when global oil
>> production "peaks" in  less than ten years.

>First, Jay, talk to us about the recent finds of frozen methane on the
>ocean floor- supposedly puts the current oil/gas reserves in the minor

"Methane occurs in hydrates, which are ice-like solids found in Arctic
regions and deep water. Hopes of exploiting such deposits appear to be
doomed because, being a solid, the gas is unable to migrate and accumulate
in commercial volumes. Reports that the Messoyakha Field in Siberia produced
gas from hydrates is apparently erroneous." [ p. 120, Campbell, 1997 ]

See everything you wanted to know about energy at:

>next, I cite Julian Simon, not because I believe in his folks as the
>God's who will rain cargo on the world but because they are happy by and
>large and don't seem to be wlking around with a cloud over their heads.
>And secondly, consistantly, they have out guessed the gloom and doomers

A careful examination of the record would show that no one makes more
failed predictions than economists -- both the evangelical variety that
assault our sensibilities on TV every day, and the academic variety
represented by the World Bank.  Julian Simon was simply the world's
greatest con man.

>And that is what I think is needed, some creative vision other than
>making the developed world wear hair shirts and turn in their SUV's so
>that the developing world has to capitulate and cut its growth desires

IMHO, instead of inventing a new earth-based religion of some sort, a better
plan would be to enlist existing religions in the fight to save the planet.

In truth, the "antichrist" is here -- it's "Homo economicus".

Economic "Cargo Cults" threaten every religion and every society on
the planet. Indeed, the Cargo Cults are the arch enemies of life itself.

If you want to do something positive in the secular world, organize a
protest movement to shut down the Chicago School of Economics.

The tactics taught in the economic school have killed -- and will  continue
to kill -- far more than the tactics taught in the military school.


Reuters Sunday, November 22, 1998


COLUMBUS, Ga., Nov. 21-A thousand protesters marched today
outside a Georgia military base to demand the closing of the U.S. Army
School of the Americas, where opponents claim that Latin American
soldiers are taught torture.

"I believe it should be shut down simply because of its history, and the
history can't be denied," said Dan Anderson, of Grand Rapids, Mich., who
served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. "They'll all admit some of
the awful things those graduates did."

The protest outside the sprawling Fort Benning military installation, about
85 miles southwest of Atlanta, has been an annual event since 1990. It has
been held each year to mark the Nov. 16, 1989, massacre of six Jesuit
priests in El Salvador.

The School of the Americas trained 19 of the 26 Salvadoran officials
implicated in the massacre by a United Nations investigation. The school
trains more than 900 U.S. and Latin American soldiers each year.

Last year, the protest group crossed the Columbus city limits onto the Fort
Benning base, where the school is housed.

There were 542 arrests, among them priests, nuns and college students,
last year. Thirty of them -- all repeat offenders -- were sentenced to six
months in federal prison for criminal trespass.

This year, event organizers expect more than 5,000 protesters Sunday.
Actor Martin Sheen has promised to lead them through Fort Benning's
main gate.

The number of potential protesters was confirmed by the Columbus
Convention and Visitors Bureau, which said every hotel in the area was
booked to capacity tonight.

Many of the protesters held banners reading, "Close the School of the
Assassins," "Los Sangre Es en Tus Manos [the blood is on your hands],"
and "Stop the Oppression of Latin American Peasants." A man wearing a
skeleton costume strode through the crowd on stilts.

The protesters appeared evenly divided between members of various
orders of the Catholic Church -- including Benedictines, Jesuits,
Franciscans -- and college students, many of whom arrived in caravans.


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