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Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 16:02:39 -0800 (PST)
From: MichaelP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "unlikely.suspects":  ;
Subject: OZ Outback revolts against bankers

INDEPENDENT (London): November 30, 1998

Outback revolts against bankers

By Jake Lynch in Sydney

Australia's embattled rural communities are in revolt against the
country's big four banks, with dozens of towns and villages queuing up to
start their own community lending institutions instead.

The revolt has been triggered by the closure of bank branches, one-sixth
of which have disappeared from the high streets in the past four years.
But it has been stoked by growing resentment in the outback against the
banks' rising fees, profits andexecutive salaries.

In the railway town of Henty, New South Wales, pensioners complain that
they must now pay two dollars simply to cash their weekly pension cheques
across the counter.

The Commonwealth, which announced further fee increases this week, was the
last of five banks to pull out of Henty's "main drag". Locals saw the
Commonwealth's closure as a portent of disaster, for times are difficult.

At the pawnbroker's, the manageress has dropped interest rates to help
young mothers who were bringing in tables and chairs to raise cash for
groceries. "Country life is becoming . a very sad state," she said.

But Henty's high street became the setting for a fightback. A retired
farmer, Milton Taylor, had heard earlier this yearabout a small country
bank, The Bendigo. "Some people gave us everything they had," he said,
referring to the amounts he received to start the Henty Community Branch
of the Bendigo Bank. In only a fortnight #100,000 was raised to buy and
fit out premises, recruit staff and open for business.

But over the past two weeks, more than #2m has flooded in to the bank, as
locals stampeded out of the big four in favour of the newcomer, whose
profits must be invested in the community.

Bendigo's inspiration was Mohammed Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank in
Bangladesh, last week named winner of the Sydney Peace Prize.

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