From: Maryellen Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: (fwd) New listserv on Social Capital--World Bank

** Please excuse the crossposting **


The  World  Bank's Social Capital Thematic Group is launching Let's Talk --
an   email   based   discussion  group  dedicated  to  social  capital  and
development.  Our hope is that many of the unanswered questions and puzzles
surrounding  social  capital will be raised in this discussion group, which
includes  members  from  the  World  Bank staff and beyond.   [More details
below on how to sign up.]

Lastly,  I  am please to announce that the management of the Social Capital
Thematic  Group has recently expanded. Gloria Davis, Director of the Social
Development  Department,  and  Michael  Woolcock, Social Scientist with the
Development  Research Group, have joined me as co-chairs.  For the next few
months,  Michael  will be facilitating Let's Talk, the email discussion, as
needed,  along  with Lindon Robison, Professor of Agricultural Economics at
Michigan State University.  Should you have any comments or questions about
the  social  capital  electronic  discussion, newsletter or website, please
contact Veronica Nyhan at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (202) 473 7940.

Email Discussion Kick-off Questions:

There is a growing recognition that social capital has both    benefits
and costs. What are the policy implications of this? How    can
governments, NGOs, firms, development agencies, and communities
themselves act to mitigate the costs and enhance the benefits? What
concrete examples do we have of policies and/or programs around the
world that have facilitated an increase in participation and    effective
governance in poor communities? Do the best initiatives
   always emerge `bottom-up', or is there also a useful role for
`top-down' agents? Various indicators have been proposed to measure
social capital. Which ones do you find most persuasive?

Please  share  your  thoughts  on any of the above questions!  We hope
this will  be a lively and useful forum in which to share ideas and
resources on the topic of social capital.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Deepa Narayan
Principal Social Development Specialist
Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network
The World Bank
1818 H. St. NW
Washington, DC 20433

Other Discussion Details

If  you  are currently a member of the Bank's Social Capital Thematic
Group or  the  Michigan  State  Social  Capital Initiative, you have
already been signed  up  and  will  receive an introduction to the
electronic discussion group  in  your  email.   As  a  member of the
discussion, you will receive emails no more than twice a week.

To subscribe or unsubscribe to the social capital email discussion go

If you have friends and colleagues who may be interested in joining
the electronic discussion, please forward this email to them.

To view the World Bank's Social Capital Website, go to:


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