Sorry guys & gals,

but it ain't that simple.  Just ask Hall, Geertz or any of the others who have come to realize that the world  does not only have two sides.  Brad,  that Maslow hierarchy exists as a holistic frame, in the moment, not as an order of events.  I would encourage a look at his Eupsychian Management for a better look at the hierarchy.   I realize that I might embarrass myself stepping into all you intellectual's circles, but there do seem to be areas here where the practical can give some help to the theoretical.

As for the glory of science and it's ability to analyze and come to solutions.  It would take the fascist power of the shaman/warrior Gengis Khan to create the state you guys are talking about.   His state required total political fealty but had the most free state in realtion to the arts, crafts,  religion, and family culture, yet devised.   I'm afraid this cry to science that you all are making  sounds like the typical cry of every great Democracy of the past (with the exception of the Native ones here).  "Where is my Superman?"   " I need someone to walk the 'hero's journey' to give up my responsiblity for myself so I can get on with the fragmentation of my existence."     On the other hand, the oldest alternative might very well still be the best in this situation.

Shamanism or as the Canadian peoples call "Indigeneous Science"  begins with taking a drum into the forest, digging a hole and putting your feet where no one has ever walked, finding the beat of the earth and then observing the adage:  "Pay Attention to Everything."    That is the child's first "science" lesson. After that you go back and talk to your teacher and tell them everything you observed.  After that you label everything in your mind.  Written symbols, in this context, are not for learning how to be mentally lazy and forget what you saw.  Symbols are only the triggers to enfolded reality.

Perhaps a little read in David Bohm?  Or more recently David Peat.  Maybe as you get smaller and smaller and the the physical becomes the same issue of probabilities as the social sciences you will understand that you just see a little better in the Social Sciences and that the physical scientists are still in the shaman's apprentice stage filling up the room with the water of their tears of impotence.    You all have to do it together.    That is the great lesson that everyone denys and thus plans their death alone to avoid.   How's that for melodramatic Sally and Arthur?  Sorry just got carried away.

Ray Evans Harrell,  resident conductor, performing artist & redneck.

Hyman Blumenstock wrote:

Brad: Virtually everything you say is correct.  However, with az bit of
rigor, we can more sharply define all the elements of this discussion to
simple understanding -- something that the Real Sciences should have
done instead of leaving it to the Unreal (Social) Sciences. (I'm not
condemning the Social Scientist, but it is high time that they began to
think like and become Real Scientists also.)

Brad McCormick, Ed.D. wrote:
> Hyman Blumenstock wrote:
> [snip]
> > MONEY has never been the answer to anything.  It has been rightfully
> > stated that "the love of money is the root of all evil."
> [snip]
> It has also been wisely observed, by Richard Nixon, that
> while having money does not solve all problems, lack
> of money *creates* lots of problems.

True, but only because whereas Money was invented to act as a relatively
lowly surrogate to Scarce Food during the Agrarian era, to more easily
DENY access to the scarce food supply to those deemed least entitled to
eat, Nixon was referring to the outlandish metamorphosis of that lowly
surrogate of the staff of life itself, to becoming the pinnacle of man's
obsession while denigrating the staff of life into nothingness.
> > The "bleakness" is the stupidity of those who insist upon having their
> > collective heads up their collective asses and give full faith and
> > credit to the Social Sciences.
> Michel Foucault, in _Discipline and Punish_, succinctly
> described the origin of self-called Social Sciences which
> have as their aim not the understanding of the potential of
> humanity (e.g., the lived experience of the persons *doing*
> the scientizing), but the administration of human
> beings, and their re-constitution as pseudo-*things*
> (students, welfare recipients, prisoners, mental
> patients, etc.).

Precisely the intent of the leading Social Science, Economics, wherein
only one of man's two motivational elements is addressed, Security, and
that is to be threatened unless man performs usually unwillingly by the
threat of "earn a living" or (unvoiced) "die."  That man also seeks Self
Esteem as a far more suitable Motivational factor, and needs no threats
or pushing, is completely ignored.
> *However*, there is a different kind of Social
> Science (what the Germans call the: "Geisteswissenschaften" --
> the sciences of spirit), of which Foucault's book is
> itself an example, and which also includes the
> work of persons like Erving Goffman, C. Wright Mills,
> Edward Hall, Edmund Husserl, Alfred Schutz, Clifford
> Geertz, Sandor Ferenczi, Donald Winnicott, etc.

This can all be boiled down to the Self Esteem cited above.
> Let us not throw the baby out with the
> bathwater, or, rather, to push this analogy,
> let us save the baby from the polluted stream
> into which capitalism (etc.) has dumped it.
> Yours trying to help demystify the social world....

I believe that the Social world is as simple as stated above. That all
we need now is already in place and functioning.  That not one person on
either side of the fence need lose one iota of what he holds dear
(either Quality performance, or the pursuit of an ugly Money profit) so
that there need be no compromise to an immediate resolution of all the
world's problems.  Security involved ONLY an adequate, free supply of
Food to everyone.  Then Self Esteem is provided by allowing everyone to
pursue whatever it is that turns him the most.  All misery, crime,
violence and war is the result of the denial of adequate Security, by,
in modern times while we are obsessed with Money, denying an adequate
Money supply to everyone to attain his Security.
> \brad mccormick
> --
>    Mankind is not the master of all the stuff that exists, but
>    Everyman (woman, child) is a judge of the world.
> Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 914.238.0788 / 27 Poillon Rd, Chappaqua, NY 10514-3403 USA
> -------------------------------------------------------
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