
If you didn't already know, sarcasm is pretty cheap. I've experienced yours
before and I wish you'd learn some ordinary courtesy.

At 10:12 17/08/98 +0100, you wrote:
>Gee, if you'd just listen to me, you could have saved
>a lot of your valuable time...
>> List, I came to the conclusion that no overall policy, certainly no
>> government-led policy, could solve unemployment problems or determine the
>> nature of future work.

This still leaves a rich field in which to speculate and develop ideas.

As for the latest, brand-spanking-new employment policy of the UK
government -- the NEW DEAL (about the fourth major governmental effort in
the last 20 years) -- and only 12 months or so old -- what has happened?
About one-quarter of the prime group that were targeted (young people) have
dropped out and have subsequently lost all their unemployment benefit (what
do they do?  -- turn to crime?). One half of the remainder are
disillusioned with the poor training they are getting (costing about 30,000
UK Pounds each), and the other half who manage to get into low grade jobs
(employers being heavily subsidised for each trainee) will be ditched (and
some have been already) at the first signs of economic downturn.

Politicians and civil servants have very little idea of what the world of
work is really like and anything they say or plan about it is usually



Keith Hudson, General Editor, Handlo Music, http://www.handlo.com
6 Upper Camden Place, Bath BA1 5HX, England
Tel: +44 1225 312622;  Fax: +44 1225 447727; mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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