I am sorry, but at times I get pricked by all the 
self-congratulatory tone around here...

> If you didn't already know, sarcasm is pretty cheap. I've experienced yours
> before and I wish you'd learn some ordinary courtesy.

> >Gee, if you'd just listen to me, you could have saved
> >a lot of your valuable time...
> >

> >

I agree with you about the UK - it is clear that
they are re-doing some of the failed tory
initiatives under new fancy labels.
Without touching the economic structure
they cannot but fail; there are no "new jobs"
whether the unemployed are trained or not.
Training consists of ways of grovelling to 
potential - usually illusory - employers,
some basic wordprocessing skills and long sermons
about being your own fault and not the decrepit 
social conditions if you won't succed.


> As for the latest, brand-spanking-new employment policy of the UK
> government -- the NEW DEAL (about the fourth major governmental effort in
> the last 20 years) -- and only 12 months or so old -- what has happened?
> About one-quarter of the prime group that were targeted (young people) have
> dropped out and have subsequently lost all their unemployment benefit (what
> do they do?  -- turn to crime?). One half of the remainder are
> disillusioned with the poor training they are getting (costing about 30,000
> UK Pounds each), and the other half who manage to get into low grade jobs
> (employers being heavily subsidised for each trainee) will be ditched (and
> some have been already) at the first signs of economic downturn.
> Politicians and civil servants have very little idea of what the world of
> work is really like and anything they say or plan about it is usually
> ludicrous.  
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Keith Hudson, General Editor, Handlo Music, http://www.handlo.com
> 6 Upper Camden Place, Bath BA1 5HX, England
> Tel: +44 1225 312622;  Fax: +44 1225 447727; mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ________________________________________________________________________

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