I don't think there is any conscious conspiracy
in making the poor poorer etc, that is the nature
of the system. There is however in my opinion
a fairly conscious attempt by the mass media to trivialise
and evade all real political issues to prolongue
the idea, that politics has no relevane to 
people's lives.


> "Al Smith once remarked that 'the only cure for the evils of democracy is
> more democracy'. Our analysis suggests that applying that cure at the
> present time could well be adding fuel to the flames. Instead, some of the
> problems of governance today stem from the excess of democracy . . . Needed
> instead, is a greater degree of moderation in democracy. . ."
> Huntington's prescription for encouraging democratic "self-restraint" was
> for governments to _deliberately fail_ to deal with economic problems. The
> point of doing this was to create a generalized alienation, which in turn
> could, "reinforce tendencies towards political passivity engendered by the
> already observable decline in the sense of political efficacy."
> Note that Huntington didn't reckon economic distress as the result of the
> government's inability to deal with economic problems, but as a strategy to
> assist the governing elite deal with it's political problems. In retrospect,
> Huntington's prescription is plausible as an explanation of policies that
> western governments have actually pursued over the past two decades. It's
> also credible as a prediction of what would be the political result of a
> purposeful anti-prosperity regime -- the entrenchment of the elites whose
> policies were designed to spread poverty and insecurity.
> Regards, 
> Tom Walker
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Vancouver, B.C.
> (604) 669-3286 
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> The TimeWork Web: http://www.vcn.bc.ca/timework/

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