S. Lerner wrote:
> FWers - If we think it's important to ensure basic economic security for
> all citizens of the industrialized 'have' nations, what suggestions do you
> have as to how this should be accomplished?
> Sally Lerner


I think that the development that we are seeing here in Norway now is
good. I am thinking of the agreement between the Confederation of trade
Unions (LO) - http://www.lo.no/ - and the Federation of Employees, that
is intending to give everybody the right to education as part of work, -
one year of education per two years of work. That can create lots of new
possibilities for people to enter the workforce.
Today the unemployment rate in Norway is very low, hardly 3%, but the
economy goes up and down, and there will come times when this
arrangement will open opportunities for lots of people.

This is of course not only good for unemployed people, but for working
people as well. What did Spinoza say: "Happiness is the mood you are in
when your ability to live is being increased". 
I have had some of my best moments when I understood something all new,
or learned a new skill and became able to accomplish something new.
And when going on developing ones abilities at the same time creates new
opportunities for other, nothing can be better!

We have anyother arrangement the is guaranteeing all young persons up to
20 or 22 or 24 years old (I am not really sure) the right to either
education or work, and it works fine. There is no unemployment among
young people in Norway from what I read.

Life is more than food and a place to sleep. One has to live a life in
dignity, and if you are living on mercy of others you are not living a
life in dignity. That is one reason I am sceptical to a guaranteed basic
income, better is a "guaranteed participation in society on equal
terms", then people are not put away in isolation or at the mercy of


Tor Førde


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