Dear Friends

I snip and then comment.
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christoph Reuss)
>Subject: Re: workfare
>Date: Mon, Sep 27, 1999, 3:00 pm

>Victor Milne calculated:
>> If a workfare participant works 8
>> hours each working day (22 workdays in the average month) for his welfare
>> benefit of $520 a month, then he is being paid $2.95 an hour.
>Over here, the 'wage' is about 2-3 times higher.  Considering that the
>workfare work is very easy work that can't be compared with the stressing
>work in private companies, and that it basically helps the candidates to
>maintain a regular activity (and possibly to find a 'real' job), I think
>this wage isn't too bad...

One intriguing aspect of wages under capitalism is that the people who do
the crap jobs get the crap money.

Given that, as income (and wealth) inequality grows, ill-health also grows
(Richard Wilkinson's book) then we *have* to work out how to close the
present, obscene factors of income inequality.

Any ideas?



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