>User-Agent: Microsoft Outlook Express Macintosh Edition - 5.0 (1513)
>Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 07:57:12 -0300
>Subject: NEW : BIEN News Flashes
>From: philippe van parijs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Mime-version: 1.0
>Dear colleague, dear friend,
>Throughout Europe, basic income and related ideas are being discussed and
>advocated more than ever. In order to support these developments more
>effectively through the cross-national spreading of information, the Basic
>Income European Network has decided to improve its channels of communication
>as follows.
>1. E-MAIL. Instead of receiving the electronic version of BIEN's newsletter
>as a Word attachment three times a year, all those on BIEN's current
>e-mailing list (including yourself) will henceforth receive every second
>month a shorter information package on recent events and publications
>incorporated in the e-mail message itself. If anyone else wishes be included
>(free of charge) on this list, (s)he should simply send the message
>"Subscribe BIEN" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Use the same address if you wish to
>be dropped from the list, or to inform us about a change of address, or to
>provide us with the names and e-mail addresses of other scholars, activists,
>journalists, policy makers, etc. who you think should be interested. The
>first BIEN NEWS FLASH will be sent to you shortly.
>2. WEB SITE.  All 33 previous newsletters (1988-1999) can be freely
>downloaded from BIEN's web site (http://www.etes.ucl.ac.be/BIEN/bien.html).
>BIEN's news flashes will be made available in the same way. The huge amount
>of information thus accumulated over the years is also presented on the site
>in a more organised format, including in the form of an annotated
>bibliography, classified by language and date of publication. In addition,
>the site offers up to date information on BIEN's next Congress (Berlin, 6-7
>October 2000), including a call for papers and a registration form. In the
>coming months, we intend improving the site's user-friendliness.
>3. NEWSLETTER. Our hardcopy newsletter will henceforth be produced in a more
>professional format, in collaboration with the London-based Citizen's Income
>Research Group ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). It will be sent twice a year by
>post, exclusively to paid-up members of BIEN.
>4. MEMBERSHIP. Electronic free-riding is perfectly welcome, indeed strongly
>encouraged. But if you are able and willing to take the small trouble of
>joining us as a full member of  BIEN, this would be a very precious
>expression of support. The membership fee until December 2000 is Euro 25.
>The fee for life membership is Euro 100. Simply transfer this amount to
>BIEN's account (001-2204356-10 at the CGER, Brussels) or send the equivalent
>in any currency  in a well-sealed envelope to BIEN's secretariat (Ph. Van
>Parijs, Chaire Hoover, 3 Place Montesquieu, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium,
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]).  An acknowledgement will be sent upon receipt. An
>updated list of BIEN's first life members will appear at the end of each
>News Flash.
>A network only lives through the active contribution of its members. Any
>relevant publication by yourself or others, any relevant newspaper clip or
>news item will be gratefully received at BIEN's secretariat, where they will
>be kept in BIEN's archive. Do not assume that it will have reached us
>through other channels.
>We are hoping to serve you better in this novel way and look forward to your
>BIEN's Executive Committee :
>Ilona Ostner and Guy Standing (co-chair), Alexander de Roo (treasurer),
>Claus Offe (conference organiser), Steven Quilley (recruitment officer),
>Philippe Van Parijs (secretary)
>basic income european network
>chaire hoover d'éthique économique et sociale
>université catholique de louvain
>3 place montesquieu, B-1348 louvain-la-neuve, belgium
>web site: http://www.etes.ucl.ac.be/BIEN/bien.html

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