----- Original Message -----
From: Danny Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2000 9:46 AM
Subject: [bearslist] Microsoft's Stock Options

> From: Danny Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://www.fool.com/portfolios/rulemaker/2000/rulemaker000217.htm
>              Why Microsoft's Stock Options Scare Me
>                    By [7]Rob Landley (TMF Oak)
>                         February 17, 2000
>     Forget Windows 2000. As far as I can tell, the single most
>     lucrative product Microsoft [8](Nasdaq: MSFT) sells is its
>      own stock. Microsoft makes almost as much after-tax cash
>    income from the stock market as it does by selling goods and
>                       services. Here's how:
>    Basically, Microsoft receives cash by issuing employee stock
>     options, after which the company then receives billions of
>    dollars in tax deductions from the IRS for doing so. Add in
>    the warrants it sells on its own stock, and the company made
>    over $5 billion off the stock market last year (fiscal year
>     ended July 1999), tax-free. For comparison, its after-tax
>    net income was only $7.8 billion. Microsoft may not be much
>       in the programming department, but its accountants are
>                            impressive.
>      Let's run through that again a little more slowly, using
>    Microsoft's most recent annual report. As with all annual
>    reports, the most interesting stuff is in the tables at the
>     end. In this case, search for the $3.1 billion dollar item
>      "Stock option income tax benefits," which occurs in the
>      Financing section of the Cash Flows Statement (the above
>    link will take you there). Lemme detour for a sec to explain
>            what "Stock option income tax benefits" are.
>      A significant portion of the wages Microsoft pays to its
>    employees comes in the form of stock options rather than in
>     cash. Compared to the rest of the industry, the amount of
>    cash Microsoft pays its programmers is at best mediocre. It
>         attracts and retains employees via stock options.
>    These options give the employees the right to buy a certain
>     number of shares of Microsoft stock at a tiny fraction of
>        the current market price. Employees can even take an
>      automatic payroll deduction to make the token payment to
>         exercise each stock option as it matures, and thus
>     effectively get shares of Microsoft stock as part of their
>                               wages.
>      Microsoft's options are "non-qualified," which means the
>     employee is immediately taxed when an option is exercised
>      (i.e., used to actually purchase very cheap stock). The
>    difference between the price the employee pays for the stock
>     and the current market price for the stock they receive is
>    counted as taxable income on the employee's W-2 tax form for
>     the year, as if they'd received it in cash. The cost basis
>     for the stock is adjusted accordingly, meaning that if the
>      employee immediately sold their newly acquired Microsoft
>      shares they wouldn't incur any additional taxes. They've
>     already been taxed on that income anyway, and the only new
>      taxes to accrue are capital gains taxes if they sell the
>     stock for a higher price than they bought it at. (Capital
>     gains taxes apply to the extra money gained by selling an
>      investment for more than it was purchased for. Only the
>    amount over the original purchase price -- the cost basis --
>        is taxed, and this has nothing to do with options.)
>    Corporations pay taxes on their own income (generally 35%),
>         but money they pay out in salaries to employees is
>      deductible from the corporation's income. Since granting
>      options to employees results in taxable income to those
>     employees, Microsoft gets to deduct that taxable employee
>      income from its own taxable corporate income, and that's
>       where Microsoft got a tax-free $3.1 billion in cash in
>          fiscal 1999: "Stock option income tax benefits."
>    But if you stop and think about it, Microsoft didn't really
>     have to spend actual money to provide the options. It even
>     GOT a little money from its employees, in the form of the
>    cash the employees paid (via payroll deductions) to exercise
>     their options. All Microsoft had to do was issue new stock
>    certificates, which more or less involves taking a vote in a
>         board meeting and then firing up a laser printer.
>      So Microsoft got $3.1 billion of tax money back from the
>    government, which at a 35% tax rate would be in exchange for
>    a $9 billion tax expense it never had to pay. Its employees
>    got taxed and paid that tax out of their own cash wages, and
>      Microsoft got the money refunded back into its corporate
>      coffers. It even got $1.3 billion of cash BACK from its
>    employees in that payroll deduction to exercise the options
>    (the "Common stock issued" line item, in the same Financing
>    table as the "Stock option income tax benefits"). Together,
>     that's almost $4.5 billion dollars Microsoft made directly
>                        from selling stock.
>      This is on top of a huge cash savings from substituting
>    shares of its stock for actual cash paid to employees in the
>     first place. Remember, Microsoft only made a $7.8 billion
>       net profit last year. To pay its employees an extra $9
>       billion in cash compensation expense, it would go $1.2
>     billion into the red. But it doesn't have to, as the stock
>    market provides the money to keep Microsoft going. Microsoft
>      prints stock, pays its employees with the stock, and the
>      stock market provides the cash for Microsoft's employees
>      when they sell the stock or get margin loans against it.
>     Microsoft can print as much stock as it likes in order to
>     pay its employees, and as long as the market keeps wanting
>     to buy shares from those employees, then Microsoft doesn't
>    have to spend too much of its own cash to pay its people. As
>     of July '99, Microsoft had around $60 billion of employee
>    stock options outstanding, and it grants more all the time.
>         Of course printing more stock dilutes the value of
>    Microsoft's existing shares, but as long as the stock price
>    keeps going up nobody seems to mind. Microsoft can sell more
>    and more stock (through its employees) at ever-higher prices
>     to generate more and more income with which to support the
>      stock price in a never-ending pyramid, er, cycle. And of
>       course Microsoft can buy back some of its shares -- $3
>      billion in 1999 ("Common stock repurchased" in the same
>     Financing table as before) -- but since it issued over $10
>    billion worth of shares ($9 billion taxable income over and
>      above the $1.3 billion the employees paid for it), this
>     buyback is a mitigating factor at best. But since a lot of
>     Microsoft shareholders hold on to their shares and live on
>      margin loans, the dilution doesn't increase Microsoft's
>     share float until they do decide to sell (i.e., the stock
>      starts going down and they have to pay off those margin
>     loans). Meanwhile, the buybacks help keep the stock price
>                       from dipping too much.
>     Employee options aren't the only kind Microsoft sells. It
>    sells another kind called "put warrants" to mutual fund
>      managers, giving them the right to sell Microsoft shares
>     back to the company at a fixed price (well below the price
>       they're currently trading at, of course). Mutual fund
>       managers with a large exposure to Microsoft stock buy
>    warrants as insurance, giving them a guaranteed floor price
>     they can sell out at if the stock collapses. If the stock
>    doesn't collapse, the warrants expire worthless after a few
>    years, and provide Microsoft with additional revenue (three
>    quarters of a billion in 1999, "Put warrant proceeds" in the
>                       cash flows statement).
>    So there you have it. $3.1 billion from a tax loophole, $1.3
>       billion from its employees, and $0.7 billion from put
>    warrants combine to give Microsoft over $5 billion from its
>     own stock in fiscal 1999. And it avoided paying $9 billion
>    in wages. All that from a company that only had $7.8 billion
>    in net income. And as long as the stock keeps going up, they
>                 can keep doing that ad infinitum.
>      Maybe if Microsoft had recruited a few people from their
>      accounting department into the programming staff, they'd
>     have gotten Windows 2000 out on time, eh? Then again, who
>    cares about products if you can make this much money without
>                               them?
>                               - Oak
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