>Subject: Fw: The chutzpah of DoubleClick
>Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 06:34:33 -0800
>X-Loop: 700000438
>----- Original Message -----
>From: David Shenk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, February 25, 2000 12:03 PM
>Subject: The chutzpah of DoubleClick
>> Friends/Colleagues:
>> I don't usually get involved in Internet activism, urging boycotts and so
>on -- mostly because others do such a good job at alerting us to important
>issues. But I think it is critical to immediately alert everyone to what is
>going on with regard to a powerful online advertising service called
>Doubleclick. In my opinion, they are about to cross over a very dangerous
>line in consumer privacy.
>> According to Peter H. Lewis of the New York Times: "Although it once
>promised that it would never do such a thing, DoubleClick now plans to match
>the supposedly anonymous information gathered from cookies in your computer
>with your name, address, telephone number, age, sex, income level and
>history of purchases at retail, catalog and online stores."
>> That pretty much says it all. But if you want to read Lewis's entire
>story, here is the link:
>> http://nytimes.com/library/tech/00/02/circuits/articles/24pete.html
>> More importantly, I urge all of you to visit DoubleClick's opt-out site
>and follow the simple procedure so that you yourself cannot be tracked:
>> Please pass this on to anyone else you think might be interested.
>> Apologies for the mass-email,
>> David
>> ___________
>> David Shenk
>> http://www.bigfoot.com/~dshenk
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