In response to:

>This commentary was published in the Globe and Mail on Thursday February 24th.
>Children, a Business Concern?
>By Judith Maxwell
>Canadian business leaders are not lobbying governments to invest in healthy
>child development in forthcoming budgets.  How come?

Am I too cynical when I say that the economic machine lobbys government for
ample human service budgets when that machine needs human beings to assist
in generating profit.  With the decline for the need for the human cog as a
component to increase economic productivity, so too is there a decline in
the lobbying for the human services that enable infants to develop into
resilient, competent adult workers.   Parsimoniously, if the economy does
not need human beings to generate profit, why should the captains of the
economy lobby for the allocation of resources into an arena that is
unproductive from their perspective?  A short-term and short-sighted
perspective, but who has the gold?  Not folks like me who have spent their
professional lives as child/youth advocates--most recently at the National
Center for Research in Vocational Education, U of California, Berkeley
(defunct as of 1/1/2000).

Peter Seidman
1238 Josephine Street
Berkeley, CA  94703-1112
510-528-4344 (phone and fax)

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